Become A Member

Seize the opportunity to become an annual Plant City History & Photo Archives Member for as little as $35 a year and help us preserve and share Plant City’s history for future generations.

Mail-In Option

Our online processing is encrypted and secure. However, new or renewing Members might prefer to mail in their payment by check. You can also call The Archives during regular business hours and make your credit card payment over the phone.

Make Checks Payable to:
Plant City History & Photo Archives
106 South Evers St.
Plant City, FL 33563
Ph. (813) 754-1578

Welcome to our family!
Select a giving level to the right of this text. To donate, choose “$Custom Amount.”

We chose PayPal, an online payment system that makes paying for things online, including sending and receiving money, safe and secure.

You can also send a check instead. Click this link for directions and our address, and you can download a printable membership form.